Rangitoto (D'Urville Island)Koat Ltd Logo

Investing for Ngāti KOATA

At Koata Ltd, our mission is deeply rooted in supporting the vision of Ngāti Koata Trust, encapsulated in the phrase, ‘Te hokinga mai o te manu hākapakapa – Ngāti Koata are flourishing.’

Our commercial mission, as defined, is to ‘Pupuru kia mau. Tupua kia eke panuku ngā whai rawa o Ngāti Koata - protecting, managing, and growing Ngāti Koata commercial assets.’

Nāu te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your food basket and my food basket we will thrive.
Handwoven kete (baskets)
platting a flax cord


Tuia te rangi e tū nei, tuia te papa e takoto nei, tuia te taura herenga tangata e whenu nei ki te aho tūroa o te ao mārama. Tihei mauri ora! Kei aku nui, kei aku rahi, tēnā koutou katoa.
Bind to the sky above. Bind to the earth below. Bind the strands of human bonds that bring us together in the world of light. This is the breath of life. Greetings to one and all.


Land & Property


Private Equity & Other

Forestry Land

Carbon Credits

Fisheries & Aquaculture

Managed Funds

Diagram of Koata Ltd assets